Month: September 2011

10 Beta-carotene Rich Fruits and Vegetables

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By K Kristie on July 29th, 2011

Cantaloupes and carrots, with their distinctive orange flesh, are two of the well-known foods that are brimming with beta-carotene. Discover what other fruits and vegetables to be had if you want to increase your natural supply of this antioxidant.

Beta-carotene is one of the well-known carotenoids, the naturally occurring pigments in plants.  Together with alpha-carotene, gamma-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin, they are converted to vitamin A in the body which is needed for good eyesight, healthy lungs, bones, skin, immune system, and in protein formation.

Although fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene are best-known for their orange and yellow hues, those with pink, red, white and other colors may also contain this carotenoid as other phytonutrient pigments combine with the beta-carotene to give plant food its color.

Study participants have shown that those who eat at least four servings of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene daily may lower their risk of developing heart disease and certain cancers. It has also been found to help prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and high doses may lower sun sensitivity.

Experts said that beta-carotene may only be beneficial when consumed naturally rather than in supplemental form. In fact, preliminary studies have shown that supplements may raise the risk of lung cancer in smokers.


For every 100 grams, here’s how much beta-carote you will get from the top sources among fresh fruits and vegetables.


1.       Cantaloupe – 2020 mcg

2.       Apricots – 1094 mcg

3.       Cherries, sour, red – 770 mcg

4.       Purple passion-fruit – 743 mcg

5.       Pink and red grapefruit – 686 mcg

6.       Plantains – 457 mcg

7.       Mangoes – 445 mcg

8.       Guavas – 374 mcg

9.       Watermelon – 330 mcg

10.   Papayas – 276 mcg


1.       Grape leaves – 16193 mcg

2.       Kale – 9226 mcg

3.       Turnip greens – 6952 mcg

4.       Baby carrots – 6391 mcg

5.       Mustard greens – 6299 mcg

6.       Dandelion greens – 5854 mcg

7.       Spinach – 5626 mcg

8.       Romaine lettuce – 5225 mcg (also red and green leaf lettuce)

9.       Parsley – 5054 mcg

10.   Butternut squash – 4226 mcg

Nutrient data source: USDA


10 Most Nutritious Fruits

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By K Kristie on September 26th, 200

The avocado is widely known as the most nutritious fruit. More recently, the kiwi and the guava want to claim the title. Here are 10 of the most commonly mentioned most nutritious fruits.

I grew up believing that avocados are the most nutritious fruits in the planet. The Guinness World Records also says so.

Some experts believe that berries, packed with anti-oxidants are the most nutritious but other experts also suggest that the kiwi and the guava deserve the title better.

The results are surprising, but these are 10 of the most commonly mentioned most nutritious fruits.


Watermelon is more than delicious, it is also very nutritious. It’s color alone says that it is blushing with vitamin A in the form of lycopene and beta-carotene, antioxidants which may help reduce cancer risk. It is also a very good source of vitamin C, a good source of vitamin B1, potassium and magnesium, nutrients which promotes a healthy immune and cardiovascular system. Recently, it was found to have Viagra-like effects to the blood vessels of the body due to its rich citrulline content.


Also known as aguacate, butter pear and alligator pear, avocadoes are a treasure-trove of nutrients. They contain more than 25 essential vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, B, C and E. They also supply lutein, copper, magnesium, potassium and zinc. They have more fiber, folate, niacin, thiamine and riboflavin than any other fruit. They’re also one of the few fruits that have monounsaturated (good) fats. A cup of avocado contains 29 mcg of vitamin K, 874 mg of potassium and 90 mcg of folate.


Raspberries are brimming with a wide variety of nutrients. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, fiber and manganese and good source of vitamins B2 and B3 as well as folate, magnesium, potassium and copper. Raspberries, just like most berries are known for being an antioxidant powerhouse that may provide protection from various ailments including cancers and cardiovascular diseases.


A cup of cantaloupe (also known as netted melon) contains 5158 IU of vitamin A and 67 mg of vitamin C, both more than the recommended daily value. It’s a good source of potassium, vitamin B6, B3, dietary fiber and folate. It contains the largest amount of digestive enzymes of any fruit, surpassing papayas and mangoes. These marvelous melons are recommended by the American Cancer Society as healthful agents in the battle against intestinal cancer and melanoma. Cantaloupes are a source of polyphenol antioxidants, chemicals which are known to provide certain health benefits to the cardiovascular system and immune system.


Grapefruit is loaded with vitamin C and carotenoids, a good amount of fiber of the cholesterol lowering type, pectin, plus phytochemicals such as flavonoids, terpenes, and limonoids. Studies have shown grapefruit helps lower cholesterol and there is evidence that the seeds have high levels of antioxidant properties. Grapefruit forms a core part of the “grapefruit diet”, the theory being that the fruit’s lowglycemic index is able to help the body’s metabolism burn fat.


Some researchers say that guava is in fact the most nutritious fruit. Guavas are high in dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, vitamin B3 and G4 and polyunsaturated fatty acids especially the seeds. It has four times the amount of vitamin C in orange, has good levels of the dietary minerals, potassium, magnesium, and an otherwise broad, low-calorie profile of essential nutrients. Guavas contain both major classes of antioxidant pigments — carotenoids and polyphenols. Guavas that are red, yellow or orange in color have more potential value as antioxidant sources than unpigmented species.


This fuzzy-skinned, egg-shaped fruit is a rich source of vitamin C and potassium. It also contains Vitamins A and E and the skin is a good source of flavonoid , an antioxidant. More than 90% of the fruit is water so it only has 90 calories per serving. It has higher potassium content than the banana and the orange. It is also filled with fiber, lutein,inositol, serotonin, arginin and glutamate, pectin, magnesium and the protein-dissolving enzyme actinidin . From a study of 27 different fruits, kiwi was named one of the most nutritionally dense, says Stephanie Dean, R.D., dietitian with Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas.


Sometimes called “tree melon” or “pawpaw”, the papaya is an excellent source of vitamin C, a very good source of folate and potassium and good source of dietary fiber and the vitamins A, E and K. A cup of papaya has 782 mg of potassium and 187 mg of vitamin C—thrice the recommended daily value. Papaya was named “the most nutritious fruit” by the Centre for Science, USA and Christopher Columbus called it ‘the fruit of the angels’.


The most popular berries in the world are an exciting source of essential vitamins and minerals. It’s an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese; a very good source of iodine and fiber and a good source of B complex and minerals including potassium, folate and omega-3 fatty acids. A cup of strawberries contains 136% of the needed daily value of vitamin C.


Don’t be fooled by this small fruit’s size as it can be one of our body’s ally for healthy living. Its nutritional punch includes loads of anti-oxidants in the form of vitamin C, lycopene and beta-carotene. Apricots are also rich in fiber and the blood pressure-lowering potassium.

Any fruit is good fruit. It should be part of our everyday diets. Three to five servings of fresh fruits a day are ideal and eating a variety of fruits daily keep our bodies and immune system in top shape.

Perhaps it’s time to change an old adage into “Five servings of fruits a day keep the doctor away.”

*All images via Flickr Creative Commons.

10 Most Nutritious Vegetables

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Vegetables are some of nature’s most nutritious foods. Here are ten of the most nutritious ones.

Vegetables are among the must-eat food around if you talk about nutrition and protection from cancer, heart ailments, various forms of inflammation such as asthma and arthritis, and other health problems. Here are some of the most nutritious ones.


A cup of raw carrots contains a whopping 34317 IU of vitamin A, making it the richest vegetable source of pro-vitamin A carotenes, a phytonutrient which has shown to help protect vision and is associated with reduced risk of heart disease and certain types of cancers. This orange root crop is also a very good source of vitamins C and K, dietary fiber and potassium and a good source of B complex, manganese, molebdenum, phosphorus, magnesium and folate.


Tomatoes are bursting with more than 20 vitamins and minerals. A cup of ripe red tomatoes supplies an excellent amount of vitamins A, C and K. It is a very good source of molebdenum , potassium, manganese, chromium and vitamins B1 and B6. It is also a good source of folate, copper, iron, B complex and other essential nutrients. Tomatoes are well known for their lycopene content, a phytonutrient with antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.

Sweet Potatoes

A cup of baked sweet potatoes with skin is an excellent source of vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene as it contains 13107 IU of this powerful antioxidant.  It is also a very good source of manganese and vitamin C and a good source of vitamin B6 and the minerals copper, fiber, potassium and iron. Purple-fleshed sweet potatoes are rich in anthocyanins and have the highest antioxidant activity among sweet potato varieties.


Soybeans are one of the most well researched health-promoting foods in the world today. A cup of cooked soybeans can supply the body with excellent amount of molebdenum and tryptophan, a very good amount of manganese and protein and a good amount of more than 10 other essential nutrients including omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and potassium. One cup of soybean provides more than 50% of the daily value of protein.


This almost leafless member of the lily family with fleshy green spears has been considered a delicacy since ancient times. A cup of boiled asparagus is an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K and folate. It is a very good source of more than 10 vitamins and minerals including B complex, potassium and fiber. Asparagus has been described by second century physician, Galen, as “cleansing and healing.”

Bell Pepper

With their beautifully shaped glossy exterior that comes in a wide variety of vivid colors ranging from green to black, bell peppers are known as the Christmas ornaments of the vegetables world. A cup of sliced, red, raw bell pepper provides 5244 mg of vitamin A which is more than 100% of DV. It is also an excellent source of vitamins C and B6 and a very good source of fiber, molebdenum, manganese and folate.


Spinach is a treasure-trove of nutrients as it boasts more than 35 essential vitamins and minerals. A cup of boiled spinach is an excellent source of over a dozen nutrients. It can provide the body with three times the DV of vitamin A and over 1000% of the DV of vitamin K as it contains 1023 mcg of the nutrient. More than a dozen flavonoids has also been identified with this leafy green.

Brussels Sprouts

A cup of boiled Brussels sprouts is an excellent source of vitamins C and K and a very good source of B complex, folate, fiber, potassium and vitamin A, one of the most important antioxidant found in nature. This miniature cabbage look-alike is also rich in vitamin E, calcium and copper. Studies have shown that diets high in cruciferous vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower are linked to lower incidence of certain cancers, including lung, colon, breast and ovarian cancer.


Broccoli has been considered a uniquely valuable food among Italians since the Roman Empire. A cup of boiled broccoli supplies an excellent amount of vitamins A, C and K, folate and fiber. It contains 505 mg of potassium and 102 mg of phosphorus. It is also rich in iron, zinc, vitamin E, B complex and over 20 other essential nutrients. Broccoli may be eaten raw, boiled or steamed, but steaming, microwaving and stir-frying are recommended so as not to reduce the presence of its suspected anticancer compounds.


Kale, also known as borecole, is considered as the most nutritious vegetable. A cup of cooked, boiled and drained without salt contains a massive 1062 mcg of vitamin K and 9620 IU of vitamin A –almost double the daily value. It is an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese and a very good source of fiber, copper, calcium and potassium. Its phytonutrients include glucosinolates and flavonoids and is well known for its carotenoid content, especially lutein and zeanthin.

Six Fruits and Vegetables Which Fight Arthritis

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Diet can play an important role in dealing with arthritis. Discover six foods which help ease the pain of inflammation.

Arthritis affects one in every five people in the United States, this according to the National Institutes of Health. Arthritis is a disease of inflammation, and the most effective treatment is anything that fights inflammation. Thought food can’t cure arthritis, it can reduce the severity of the condition.

These six fruits and veggies can help ease the pain of this ailment.


The cantaloupe’s anti-inflammatory abilities are due to its being a rich source of vitamins A and C. These two potent antioxidants neutralize free radicals which are the cause of increase in inflammation that occurs in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and cause most of the joint damage. Scientific studies have also shown that high intakes of vitamin C and beta-carotene reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce airway spasm that occurs in asthma and reduce the risk of colon cancer.


Anthocyanins, the pigment that gives cherries their color is also the ingredient that provides their powerful antioxidant properties that ease inflammation. Study participants have shown that regular consumption of tart cherries cut inflammation by 50%. Eating cherries may also help lessen the severity of other inflammatory conditions, such as heart disease and cancer. Anthocyanins were found to have the most potent anti-inflammatory effect among any flavonoid tested.


Papaya is loaded with several unique protein-digesting enzymes including papain and chymopapain (and glutathione, the activator of these enzymes) which has shown to help reduce inflammation. It is also an excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of vitamins A and E. People with conditions worsened by inflammation, such as asthma and arthritis found that it helps alleviate the severity of their condition when they get more of these nutrients.

The easiest way to eat ripe papaya is to slice it lengthwise, scrape out the seeds and then scoop out the flesh using a spoon.

Bell Pepper

A cup of red, raw bell pepper slices is bursting with vitamins A and C. Studies revealed that vitamin C-rich foods such as bell pepper and chili peppers provide protection against rheumatoid arthritis (RA) involving two or more joints. Vitamin C is essential for the repair and maintenance of cartilage and bones and in the formation of collagen, an important protein used to make tendons, cartilage and ligaments. Vitamin A is needed to promote healthy bone development. Bell pepper is also rich in vitamin E and beta-cryptoxanthin, two antioxidants which mop up free radicals that cause inflammation while increasing joint flexibility.


 The secret to the ginger root’s anti-inflammatory properties come from gingerol, a very potent anti-inflammatory compound which has shown to reduce pain and improve mobility in people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis when they regularly consume ginger.

The best way to take this tuber is to grate two teaspoons and mix with very hot water. Steep for five minutes, strain and stir slowly.

Sweet Potatoes

In addition to being an excellent source of vitamin A and a very good source of vitamin C, the sweet potato is also a good source of manganese, a mineral essential to healthy cartilage formation. Thus, not only is manganese extremely helpful in fighting arthritis but evidence has also shown that it also helps keep the bones strong as well as prevent osteoporosis. A cup of baked sweet potato with skin is also a good source of vitamin B6. Women with RA have been found to have lower levels of this nutrient which is due to metabolism changes as a result of the disease.

10 Fruits with Lowest Calories

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By K Kristie on January 13th, 2011

These fruits are not just packed with nutrients, they contain the lowest in calories, too.
Based on 100 gram serving:

Rhubarb – 21 calories

Rhubarbs are typically made into jams, juices and as a pie, tart and crumble filling. The simplest way they are prepared is to boil the stems and then dipped in sugar. Rhubarb is rich in calcium, potassium and fiber, and is packed with the highest water content among fruits. It is also among the fruits with highest lutein and zeathin content, two of the carotenoids known to promote good eyesight.

Rose-apples – 25 calories

One fun way to replenish or supply your body with water on a hot summer day is to pig out on rose-apples (also known as wax apples, love apples, and java apples). These light pink to red colored-fruits are crunchy and can provide an additional supply of vitamins A and C and potassium in your body. Some people enjoy eating them with a little salt.

Casaba melons – 28 calories

Casaba melon is one of those melon varieties you probably aren’t so familiar with.  It’s probably because it’s not as flavorful as the other more colorful melons. It also does not have an aroma. Casaba melon is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium and every 100 grams has only 28 calories.

Ohelo berries – 28 calories

If it’s the first time you have heard of ohelo berries it’s probably because it is mostly commonly found at high elevations on the islands of Maui and Hawaii. They range in color from bright red to yellow and orange. This cranberry relative can be slightly tart to deliciously sweet. They are high in water and low in calories.

Limes – 30 calories

In addition to their low calorie content, limes are also high in vitamin C. They add flavor to foods and beverages and is a very common ingredient in Mexican, Vietnamese and Thai cuisine.

Watermelon – 30 calories

Subtly crunchy and refreshingly sweet with almost zero calories, that’s watermelon. Watermelon is an ally for a healthy body through its rich supply of vitamins and minerals especially lycopene, the carotenoid which studies have shown helps prevent heart disease and various types of cancer.

Carambola (starfruit) – 31 calories

The carambola, also known as starfruit is another crunchy and juicy fruit. It is an excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of fiber. People with kidney problems, gout, osteoporosis and arthritis are advised to avoid eating this fruit due to its oxalic acid, a compound which can be harmful for them. Parsley, spinach, beets, chocolates and beans also contains oxalic acid.

Acerola (west indian cherry) – 32 calories

Do your gums easily bleed? Do your wounds heal poorly? If your answer is “yes” to both questions then you are most probably deficient in vitamin C. Look for acerola, the fruit with the highest vitamin C among fruits and veggies. Acerola is also big in water and vitamin A.

Grapefruit – 32 calories

Grapefruit is a subtropical citrus fruit brimming with nutrients and phytochemicals. One small fruit can already supply over 100% of the daily value of vitamin C and almost half of the DV of vitamin A. Studies reveal that it helps reduce cholesterol.

Strawberries – 32 calories

Another high water and low calorie fruit is the strawberry. This heart-shaped berry is considered as one of the most nutritious fruits. It is rich in fiber, folate and manganese, a mineral that helps calcium keeps bones strong and healthy.

Other low calorie fruits include:

  • Pitanga (Surinam cherry) – 33 calories
  • Cantaloupe – 34 calories
  • Honeydew melon – 36 calories
  • Pomelo – 38 calories
  • Papayas – 39 calories

* Nutrient data source: USDA

10 Fruits With Highest Calories

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Watch out for these fruits if you’re concerned about calories.

These fruits are deliciously nutritious, but if you’re watching your caloric intake you might want to limit your consumption

Based on 100 gram serving:

1. Tamarinds – 239 calories

Tamarinds are packed with the highest sugar and calories. The good news is they are also loaded with the richest protein, iron and potassium among fruits.

2. Avocados – 160 calories

Don’t let the high calorie content of avocados be the reason for you to avoid this fruit as they are one of the most nutritious. They’re highest in folate, vitamin E, tryptophan, and zinc which helps strengthen the immune system and promote prostate health.

3. Durian – 147 calories

Notorious for its smell and taste, many people shun durian the same way that others are totally drawn into it. If you’re one of those who dig this fruit, you’re providing your body with a high dose of vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and B complex.

4. Sapotes – 134 calories

High in vitamin C, fiber, potassium and magnesium and one of the top fighters in the combat against depression with their tryptophan content—these are just some of the healthy goodness that sapotes have to offer.

5. American persimmons – 127 calories

Persimmons can provide over 100% of the DV in vitamin C. It helps prevent anemia with its rich iron supply and the potassium content helps lower blood pressure.

6. Plantains – 122 calories

If you want higher potassium, omega-3’s and vitamins A and C, choose plantains over sweet bananas.  Add them in stews, fry or mash like potatoes.

7. Rowal – 111 calories

Forget about the rowal’s high calorie content but instead think about their high copper supply which can offer many health benefits including helping maintain healthy bones and keeping the thyroid healthy.

8. Breadfruit – 103 calories

Do you want more fiber and potassium from fruits? The breadfruit has more vitamin C, potassium and fiber than the jackfruit, its close relative.

9. Custard-apple – 101 calories

This heart-shaped fruit is tasty and nutritious. It can be made into a sweet drink and can be used as a milk substitute. It is called sugar-apple or sweetsop in other countries and California and Britain refers to it as the cherimoya. Sugar-apple and cherimoya are actually two different fruits from the same genus.

10. Purple passion-fruit – 97 calories

The purple passion-fruit is loaded with the highest fiber among fruits. Fiber helps keep the digestive system healthy so it can absorb nutrients. Purple passion-fruit can be made into soufflé or a deliciously refreshing lassi.

Other high-calorie fruits:

* Jackfruit – 94 calories

* Soursop – 94 calories

* Bananas – 89 calories

* Pomegranates – 83 calories

* Sapodilla – 83 calories

* Nutrient data source: USDA


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By len7288

Southeast Asian cultivators and connoisseurs will swear that the durian is a fruit without compare. Durian is called King of Fruits in Southeast Asian countries where it is widely abundant. People who have just seen and smell it are immediately turned off by its strong, pungent odor, while for the brave, who manage to taste the fruit itself, the offensiveness of the smell quickly wanes. Some people describe the odor of durian as strong and pervasive that the best hotels refuse to allow their guests to bring durians into their room. But the proof is in the eating, and most people who have tasted it become lifelong addicts.

Durians are not plucked but allowed to fall, which is when they are best for eating. In rural areas, villagers clear the ground beneath the durian tree. They build grass huts nearby at harvest time and camp there for 6 or 8 weeks in order to be ready to collect each fruit as soon as it falls. Caution is necessary when approaching a durian tree during the ripening season, for the falling fruits can cause serious injury. Durians are highly perishable. They are fully ripe 2 to 4 days after falling and lose eating quality in 5 or 6 days.

Fruit Description:

  • Durian tree: grow up to 27 m
  • Fruit Shape: oblong
  • Length: 20-35cm, diameter: 18-22 cm and weighs from 1-9kg.
  • Rind: thick, semi-wood with stout, sharply pointed spines; color: yellowish-green.
  • Edible Pulp/ flesh: After opening the fruit you will find 5 or less compartments containing the creamy-white or yellowish edible pulp with custard-like consistency.
  • Seeds: 1 to 7 chestnut-like seeds, 2-6 cm long with glossy, red-brown color.

Health Benefits:

  • Durian is extremely nutritious because it is rich in vitamin B, C and E and with high iron content. Eating durian is alleged to restore the health of ailing humans and animals.
  • A preparation from its roots and leaves is prescribed by traditional doctors for fevers and jaundice.
  • Decoctions of the leaves and fruits are applied to swellings and skin diseases.
  • Durian fruit helps lower cholesterol.
  • Durian is a strong blood cleanser.
  • The ash of the burned rind is taken after childbirth.
  • Durian contains high levels of the amino acid tryptophan, known to alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia, and create feelings of happiness, by raising levels of serotonin in the brain
  • Durian contains high level of soft protein which makes it a good muscle builder.
  • Durian has a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac.
  • Durian is recommended as a good source of raw fats.

Nutritive Value per 100 g

  • Vitamin A: 20-30 I.U.
  • Ascorbic Acid: 23.9-25.0 mg
  • Vitamin E: “high”
  • Calcium: 7.6-9.0 mg
  • Phosphorus: 37.8-44.0 mg
  • Potassium: 436 mg
  • Thiamine: 0.24-0.352 mg
  • Riboflavin: 0.20 mg
  • Niacin0.6: 83-0.70 mg
  • Iron: 0.73-1.0 mg
  • Sugars(approx.) 12.0 g
  • Protein: 2.5-2.8 g
  • Fat: 5.33g
  • Fiber: 3.8 g
  • Total Carbohydrates: 30.4-34.1 g
  • Calories: 144

Culinary Uses: Durian fruit is best eaten fresh but is can also be used for making durian cake, dessert and paste. Seeds are also edible, it can be eaten after boiling, roasting or frying. The unripe fruit is boiled whole and eaten as a vegetable.

Market form: Durians are sold in local market as whole, or cut open and are wrapped in clear plastic. Durian is also available canned in syrup for export. It also comes in dried form for local use and for export.

Yield: Durians mature in 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 months from the time of fruit-set. Well-grown, high-yielding cultivars can bear 6,000 lbs of fruit per acre (6,720 kg/ha).

Note: Durian fruit is highly nutritious it is not advisable to eat this fruit in excess. Pregnant women or people with high blood pressure are traditionally advised not to consume durian. The seeds are believed to possess a toxic property that causes shortness of breath.

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